Nerve Treatment
A dental infection that spreads to the nerve of the tooth may require nerve treatment to save the tooth.
Indirect Pulp Treatment
If the dental infection is extensive, but has not penetrated into the nerve of the tooth an indirect pulp treatment may be recommended. During this procedure, a "protective barrier" or liner is placed over the nerve of the tooth to insulate it before placement of the restorarive material.
If the dental infection is extensive and is affecting a portion of the nerve and/or causing some sensitivity to the patient, a pulpotomy may be recommended. During this procedure, only a portion of the nerve is removed and replaced with a sedative material. This will eliminate pain and allow the tooth to remain in the mouth for a longer period of time providing function and holding space for the permanent teeth.
If the dental infection has spread to the interior of the tooth and/or is causing significant pain, a pulpectomy may be recommended. During this procedure, the entire nerve and blood supply of the tooth is cleaned out and sterlized and filled with a sedative material. This will ensure the tooth can remain in the mouth for a longer period of time providing function and holding space for the permanent teeth.